The 2025 federal election has been called. What now?

Your prime minister wants to hold an election. What happens now? Crikey has the answers you need. 

As soon as the governor-general issues a writ authorising an election to be held, the electoral commission’s so-called election timetable will kick in. Keep in mind that some of the timeframes are flexible.

Close of rolls 

Seven days after the issue of the writs, at 8pm, the electoral rolls will close. The Australian Electoral Commission (AEC) says it is up to each Australian citizen aged 18 and over to ensure their details are recorded correctly on the roll. 

Close of candidate nominations

Between 10 and 27 days after the issue of the writs, nominations for candidates close. Forty-eight hours before that, candidate bulk nominations close. 

Declaration of nominations

The nominations are made public 24 hours after they close. 

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Pre-poll voting begins

No earlier than 12 days before polling day, voters can begin heading to pre-poll booths. Mobile polling can begin at this stage as well. 

Postal vote application window closes 

Those wishing to vote by post must apply to do so by 6pm on the Wednesday before polling day. The postal votes must be received by 13 days after the polling day.

Polling day

The actual election day will happen between 23 and 31 days after the date of nominations. 

Return of the writs 

Once all polls in a state or territory have been declared and a successful candidate has been certified for each division, the electoral commissioner forwards a writ to the governor-general. In a general election, all writs are returnable by the same day and are forwarded together by the governor-general’s office to the clerk of the House of Representatives. The writs must be returned within 100 days of being issued.

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