Passenger stunned after $2,500 worth of designer goodies mysteriously disappear from her suitcase: ‘My heart sank’

This furious flier had her luggage looted — and she’s determined to find out whodunit.

Leoni Crowther says $2500 worth of designer goodies were stolen from inside her suitcase sometime between check-in and arrival on a recent trip with easyJet.

The British traveler, 21, was flying from Isle of Man to Belfast with a layover at Manchester Airport, with her checked bag weighing 42 pounds when she left the first airport.

Leoni Crowther wearing a top and coat that was in the suitcase. Jam Press

Leoni Crowther wearing a top and coat that was in the suitcase. Jam Press

When she finally arrived in Manchester, Crowther’s suitcase came through the conveyor belt but was significantly lighter.

“It looked absolutely fine,” Crowther told Need to Know. “It was all zipped up but when I picked it up, it was really light.”

The college student was stunned when she unzipped the bag to find it only contained a pair of workout leggings, a lunchbox, a sports bra and a laptop charger.

A staggering $2500 of items had disappeared from inside the case, including $700 worth of makeup, a $180 handbag, a $300 Vivienne Westwood jumper, three pairs of $120 trainers, a $60 Victoria’s Secret robe, three pairs of $75 jeans, and priceless sentimental gifts given to her from her grandmother.

When she opened her suitcase, all that was there was a pair of workout leggings, a lunchbox, a sports bra and a laptop charger. Jam Press

When she opened her suitcase, all that was there was a pair of workout leggings, a lunchbox, a sports bra and a laptop charger. Jam Press

“I opened it up and my heart sank,” she shared. “I thought it must be a joke. It’s so weird. I didn’t understand it. The suitcase had almost everything I own in it including some gifts from my nan.”

The easyJet help desk told her to contact the Manchester Airport since the plane she flew on to Belfast had already been inspected and no luggage was left behind.

Crowther also reported the situation to the police.

A woman on an easyJet flight claimed items from inside her suitcase were missing after a flight. REUTERS

A woman on an easyJet flight claimed items from inside her suitcase were missing after a flight. REUTERS

“They said they checked the hold and there was nothing there so whatever happened must have happened at Manchester Airport,” she explained.

“Everyone said they’d never heard of anything like this before.”

Crowther said she had to put off school work in order to deal with the situation and has had to borrow clothes from her friend.

She claimed her suitcase arrived at her destination with nearly $2,500 worth of items missing after her flight. Jam Press

She claimed her suitcase arrived at her destination with nearly $2,500 worth of items missing after her flight. Jam Press

“I have no way of replacing the items because I’m a third-year student,” she said. “I just want to know what happened.”

She added that it’s hard to get in contact with anyone who could properly help her because “there’s no option for someone who has their suitcase but the contents are missing.”

Luckily, she happened to get travel insurance for this trip — which she usually never does — and hopes that her claim will be accepted.

An easyJet spokesperson responded to the experience, saying, “We were sorry to learn of Ms. Crowther’s experience. We take all allegations of this nature very seriously and are now investigating this with our baggage handlers. We work closely with all of our airport partners to ensure our passengers’ bags are handled securely.”

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