Baton Rouge climate tech entrepreneur Johnnie James II is the CEO of Pursuit of Happiness Farms and holds the rights to Reefbuds. This technology has the potential to revive coral reefs.
According to Business Report, James has 18 years of experience placing Reefbuds in the Philippines to revitalize coral reefs. As of May 2024, he is the sole rights holder to the Reefbuds technology. Now, he’s bringing that tech to Louisiana.
Coral reefs have several threats to their survival. One of the biggest is “increased ocean temperatures and changing ocean chemistry,” per the Environmental Protection Agency. Since the Earth’s temperatures are rising, so are the water’s temperatures.
The EPA added, “This warming places stress on corals and can cause them to expel the microscopic algae that produce food that they need. Without this algae, coral also lose their coloration — a condition known as coral bleaching.”
The Business Report detailed that Reefbuds are made of sand, biomass like sugarcane bagasse, and gravel. They also include a little “cement for binding purposes and metallic oxides.” These materials are made into mound-like, porous structures. Algae attach to them within 24 to 72 hours of being placed underwater, and animals hide inside.
According to James, the Reefbuds can restore coral reef dead zones. They can also support marine animal and plant life, such as oysters and shrimp. These structures can sequester carbon and protect shorelines from waves.
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“We’re more than a Band-Aid for a very serious issue,” James said.
As James said, coral reefs are great for protecting shorelines. According to NOAA, they “protect coastlines from storms and erosion.” They also provide recreation opportunities for locals and tourists and local jobs. Additionally, coral reefs provide “food and new medicines.”
NOAA added, “Over half a billion people depend on reefs for food, income, and protection.”
Coral reefs also have the most biodiverse ecosystem in the world.
NOAA noted, “About 25% of the ocean’s fish depend on healthy coral reefs.” These fish and organisms rely on coral reefs for food, reproduction, care for their young, and shelter.
An excellent example of coral reef biodiversity is in Hawai’i. The Northwest Hawaiian Island coral reefs are home to over 7,000 species of plants, fish, invertebrates, sea turtles, marine mammals, and birds.
The Royal Society said biodiversity is essential to all life on Earth, including humans. A wide range of animals is vital for the air humans breathe and the food they eat.
Business Report stated, “James won $3,000 at Nexus Louisiana’s PitchBR competition in November.” He will use that money to purchase small fish tanks to show how Reefbuds work to gain partnerships with local conservation groups and companies. He will also apply for grants to help “accelerate the Reefbuds deployment timeline.”
You can also donate to climate causes like Reefbuds to help the organizations continue their conservation efforts.
James said, “We’re building upon two decades of success in the Philippines.”
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