Belle Taylor: Airport Theory is a bonkers trend that ignores one of life’s great joys – hanging at the airport

It’s the job of younger generations to adopt trends baffling to their elders. From outlandish fashion and outre dance moves to boundary-pushing music and film. It’s the way it should be. However, the latest trend from gen Z is concerning in unprecedented ways. It’s Airport Theory.

“Is that what they are calling MDMA these days?” you may be thinking. Unfortunately it is something far more concerning: it’s being late to the airport.

Yep, in a trend that’s gone viral on social media, young people are arriving at the airport just 15 to 20 minutes before their flight is set to depart. If you broke into a cold sweat just reading that sentence, I’m right there with you.

Social media is full of people “testing” the theory with shaky camera work as they dash through airports to their gate. Some make it with moments to spare, but plenty of other people are just flat out missing their flights.

In the US, the Transportation Security Administration has warned against the trend: “Our theory . . . you’re more than likely missing your flight if you arrive 15-20 minutes before it departs,” they posted on social media.

People try Airport Theory because they don’t want to waste precious time hanging around at an airport. But someone needs to tell these kids that wasting time at airports is one of life’s great joys.

“I love going extra early to airports just to hang out,” a friend told me. I nodded in agreement. “Sometimes I tell my husband our flight is actually earlier than it is so we get extra time there,” she added. I side-eyed her with that one.

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